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網路慾望觀察所 - 7.ZIP

楊佳欣, 余卓恩 - Yang,Chia-Xin, yu cho en

網際網路自Z世代起成為生活不可剝離的存在,網路慾望觀察所以互動式網頁為媒介,期望人們能以觀察者的角度看待網路科技在現代對於慾望所造成的影響。 開頭以動畫的方式向觀者介紹主題並帶領觀者進入觀察所,網站以圓形監獄內的房間為核心,房間內的人物代表現實世界的人們,擺件則是說明人類因為慾望而利用科技創造出的各種事物。 利用顏色的特性將七個慾望的房間以符合他們特性的顏色呈現,而因為主題圍繞著科技,視覺上也以虛擬風格+空間平面化製造出未來感。 結局除了介紹密碼含義外,在最後也設想了未來的科技將會演變成什麼樣子,並利用互動的方式讓觀者更能代入自身,思索從現代到未來的科技與慾望之間的關係。 - Network has been universalized and has become a necessary part of Generation Z. This is a virtual observation space of network desire, which is based on the principle of The seven deadly sins and Panopticon.Using web interaction design as an intermediary to self-reflection, we expect that people can see the influence of network desire in an observer’s light. We use animation as a beginning to introduce our topic, than leading people into the observation space. The main idea of the website is the room of Panopticon. People in the room is people in the real world, and objects all around are the invention due to people’s desire. Seven rooms of respective desires are being painted in corresponding colors via the property of color. The topic is about technology, thus we use virtual style and flatten all space to visually create the sense of future. Besides explaining the meaning of code, the ending also imagines the trend of future technology. We use the mode of interaction for observers to role in, thereby self-reflecting the relationship between technology and desires.