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人生光譜 Spectrum of Life

設計師 Designer:廖軍豪 Chun-Hao Liao、工藝師 Craft Artist - 染 dye:陳景林 Jing-Lin Chen

尺寸:300cm x 45cm 媒材:天然染 作品介紹: 人生光譜 作品以「人生」身高尺為概念,表達成長的速度和進程。3公尺長的絲布由地面開始延伸,以胚布原色象徵剛出生嬰孩的純淨樸實;延伸上牆面後轉為彩色,象徵隨成長帶來多采多姿的生活。 Dimension:300cm x 45cm Material: Natural dye Introduction: Spectrum of Life The artwork uses the idea of ‘height ruler of life’ to tell the speed and process of growing. The three meter silk cloth extends from the ground and the color of greige cloth symbols the pureness of new-born babies. It turns to colorful color when it extends on the wall shows the eventful life when growing up.