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家的印記 Mark of Home

設計師 Designer:徐景亭 Ching-Ting Hsu、工藝師 Craft Artist - 竹 Bamboo:陳高明 Kao-Ming Chen

尺寸:33cm x 40cm x 50cm 媒材:竹管,泡棉,織品 作品介紹: 家的印記 作品的概念是客家傳統文化製作粄條前,常以扁擔擠壓麵粉袋中的米漿,擠出水分來製作粄脆。過去傳統文化的符號以以及跨文化的回憶情感成為當代工藝新創的養分。 Dimension: 33cm x 40cm x 50cm Material: Bamboo, Foam, Fabric Introduction: Mark of Home The idea of this artwork is from Hakka traditional culture. Before making Hakka flat noodles, you’ll need to squeeze all the rice milk from the flour bag with shoulder pole in order to make it flat and crispy. The sign in traditional culture and cross-culture’s memory is the nutrition of modern craft art new creation.