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威風八面 Imposing

Shu-Chien Liao 廖述乾

2018年 尺寸:56x41x88cm 媒材: 青銅、烤漆、金箔、白金箔、金泥 作品介紹: 隱喻氣勢凌人、自吹自擂的社會現象,若站在更高的角度與視野,重新省思自我,其實會發覺遠方還有修行要走。 2018 Size: 56x41x88cm Medium material: Bronze, baking varnish, gold lacquer, gold leaf Introduction to works: Metaphor is a social phenomenon of domineering and boasting. If you rethink yourself from a higher perspective and vision, you will actually find that there is still practice to go in the distance.