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森生 | Born for forest

彭俞瑄、翁嘉妤、梁雅鈞、江家均、王馨慧、簡瑜君 Yu-Hsuan Peng, Chia-Yu Weng, Ya-Chun Liang, Chia-Chun Chiang, Hsing-Hui Wang, Yu-Chun Chien

發想與動機:PM2.5是一種空氣污染,而當人們處在霧霾環境中呼吸,那些過小的顆粒無法被口罩抑制或是人體產生的防禦機制給阻擋在外,他將導致呼吸困難和增加肺部疾病的風險。主旨:人們的呼吸是需要森林予以的淨化,眾多樹苗才能成林,可綠植卻隨著發展的過程而漸失,在這個世代裡,如何取得平衡並使人反思人與自然之間的關係是件相當重要的議題。理念:影片中透過實體化霧霾以有趣的互動呈現出主角、植物及霧霾三方,相互制衡的關係,來讓人省思和探討自然與發展之間可否取得平衡,並讓每個人透過小小的舉動來改善及預防空氣汙染,愛護森林及減少砍后,讓我們在未來能有個可以好好深呼吸的地方。 Motive: PM2.5 is a kind of air pollution. When we breathe in the hazy environment with small particles unable to be blocked out by masks or human defense mechanisms, our risks of breathing difficulties and lung diseases will increase. Purpose: Our breathing needs to be purified by forests. A forest can only be formed by numerous saplings, but on the contrary planting gradually disappears in the process of development. In this generation, how to reach the balance and make people think over the relationship between humans and nature is a very important issue. Idea: In the film, hazes are materialized, and the mutually balanced relationships among the leading role, plants and hazes are presented by interesting interactions, so as to make people reflect over and discuss whether nature and development can achieve their balance. Small actions are also taken by each one to improve and prevent air pollution, protect forests and decrease logging, leaving a place we can well breathe deeply in the future.