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圖檔格式 jpeg

湯瑪斯.魯夫 Thomas Ruff

2004 – 感光相紙彩印輸出 網路相片或魯夫利用數位相機拍攝並數位處理之相片 《圖檔格式》的視覺出發點是在網路上流傳各地的影像、明信片掃描圖檔及攝影書中的插圖。藝術家關注影像常見的數位幾何結構,也是標準數位影像壓縮格式JPEG的基礎,像素結構被分解成8 x 8像素的影像方塊進行儲存,同時依特定規則,將影像方塊各自獨立壓縮和簡化。影像資訊如此簡化處理再放大顯示時,就會看到一個個如網格方塊般的像素群組。這種錯誤被視為是種干擾;但對湯瑪斯.魯夫而言,這其實是能提升觀者感受的技術物(artifact)。藝術家強化像素結構並同時放大整體影像,藉此創造出一種在近看時猶如幾何彩色圖樣的新影像,但拉遠來看,則仍是攝影影像。魯夫於此運用了晚期印象派繪畫的概念,並結合二十一世紀的數位可能性。透過使用過去幾十年來全球發表與討論的各類型影像,這個系列幾乎成為媒體影像領域的視覺百科全書,也映照出這項媒材所定義之特性。 2004 – Chromogenic color prints Photographs from the Internet or taken by Ruff using a digital camera and processed digitally The visual starting point of the jpeg are images that are distributed worldwide through the Internet, as well as scans of postcards and illustrations from photobooks. The artist was interested in the digital geometrical structure common to the images, which forms the basis of the JPEG format, the standard compression format used for digital images, with which the pixel structure is broken down into image squares of 8 x 8 pixels during the storage process, whereby each image square is compressed independently of the others and simplified according to specific rules. When the image information reduced in this way is displayed enlarged, the respective group of pixels becomes visible as a square block in a grid. This is actually a mistake that is perceived as disturbing; for Thomas Ruff, however, it is an exciting artifact that can heighten the viewer's perception. By intensifying the pixel structure and simultaneously enlarging the overall image, the artist creates new images that, seen up close, resemble a geometric color pattern but becomes a photographic image when viewed from a greater distance. Here, Ruff uses ideas from the painting of the late Impressionists and combines these with the digital possibilities of the twenty-first century. By using the entire range of images published and discussed globally in recent decades, he makes the series almost a visual encyclopedia of the world of media images and a reflection of its characteristics determined by the medium.