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土星探測船 ― 卡西尼號 cassini

湯瑪斯.魯夫 Thomas Ruff

2008 – 感光相紙彩印輸出 美國太空總署公布在網路上的土星相片,經數位科技處理而成 魯夫對天文學與外太空科學影像的濃厚興趣,使他在 2008 年時轉而關注土星及其衛星的影像。自 2005 年起,美國太空總署於 1997 年 10 月發射的卡西尼號土星探測船,開始將影像傳回地球,並免費公開在網路上。魯夫從現有的諸多影像挑出幾張,並在電腦上進行處理,改變影像色調,並將相對小尺度的影像做巨幅的放大,而其上色之目的是為強調科學「自然影像」的抽象性。 2008 – Chromogenic color print Photographs of Saturn published by NASA on the Internet andprocessed using digital technology Ruff's great interest in astronomy and scientific images from outer spaceled in 2008 to him turning his attention to photographs of Saturn and its moons. Since 2005 the images have been transmitted to Earth by the Cassini space probe, launched by NASA in October 1997 – and have been available free of charge on the Internet. Ruff chose a number of the images from the great range at hand and then processed them at a computer. He changed the color tones and also substantially enlarged the relatively small images. The intention behind the coloring was to enhance the abstract quality of the scientific "images of nature".