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N.Climbie 新手攀岩體驗套組 N.Climbie Beginner Climbing Experience Set


攀岩是一項若不曾嘗試,就越發升起膽怯或負面遐想的運動類別,為讓想嘗試並欲踏入攀岩運動的新手減低其不安感,N.Climbie 的初衷也因此誕生。N.Climbie 新手攀岩體驗套組分為兩大產品分類指標,一是透過攀岩基礎型產品的全新增強式安全設計;另一層面則是透過穿戴式感測型教材的架構形式,全方位的讓攀岩新手們擁有更多有效克服各類入門共通難題的專屬產品選擇,並且也從其中發掘了為業者打造的嶄新租借機制流程。 N.Climbie was created to ease the anxiety of new climbers who want to try climbing. N.Climbie is divided into two product categories, one is the basic climbing product with new and enhanced safety design, and the other is the wearable and sensor-based teaching material structure, which provides novice climbers with more options to effectively overcome the common problems of all kinds of introductory products, and also explores a new rental mechanism process for the industry.