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CHILLAX-紓壓坐具 CHILLAX-Pressure Relief Rocking Chair Design


搖椅是具有放鬆意象的家具,但也常因為搖椅的體積龐大,使得一般家庭沒有能夠容納他的地方,我們運用竹積層材作為主要的製作材料,比起木頭,竹有著防水、耐汙,其生長速度約是木頭的 2 ~ 3 倍,也因此是更加環境友善的素材。整體運用竹的高耐彎性及堅固性將搖椅的造型輕量化,並在細節處加上些許的銅合金作為支撐以及裝飾,使整體更加精緻,也展現了竹與銅的異材質融合。 The rocking chair is a relaxing furniture, but the size of the rocking chair is so large that there is no space for it in an ordinary family. We use laminated bamboo sliver lumber as the main production material, compared to wood, bamboo is waterproof and pollution resistant, and its growth rate is about 2~3 times that of wood, so it is a more environmentally friendly material. By using the high bending resistance and sturdiness of bamboo to lighten the shape of the rocking chair, and add a little brass in the details for support and decoration, making the whole entity more refined, and showing the combination of bamboo and copper .