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新竹意象玻璃裝置藝術 Hsinchu Installation art


新竹為北台灣的古城,亦有「風城」的封號,每年秋季的東北季風吹過,便受峽道收束影響而倍增風勢,鄉人特稱為「九降風」,早期更因地理特色及優勢,造就日後成為玻璃產業的重鎮以及因九降風而生的特色名產。如今的玻璃產業面臨老一輩凋零、年輕一代不願承接的困境。政府也積極推動各項政策,成效卻不如預期,最大的原因在於技術良好卻缺乏設計能力、創新能量不足以及特色不夠鮮明等種種問題,導致新竹玻璃工藝逐漸沒落。 以新竹的「竹」作為主要概念發想,並且模擬新竹山峰的走向,結合九降風吹過形成的起伏與流動感,並將其具象轉化成線條紋路,以霧面噴砂與造型圖紋虛實做出層次變化,層層片狀排列呈現山林意象,高低起伏如同強風造就風的流動。 Hsinchu is the ancient city of northern Taiwan, and also has the title of "Wind City". Every autumn, the wind is multiplied by the influence of the gorge. People call it "Jiu Jiang Feng".Because of its geographical features and advantages, it has now become an important town in the glass industry and famous products born of the wind. Today's glass craftsmanship is facing the dilemma that no young people are willing to learn. The government actively promotes various solutions, but the results are not as good as expected. This led to the gradual decline of Hsinchu glass craftsmanship.