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好柿晴 Sunny Persimmon

陳葦珊、 羅安琪

新埔柿餅產業是結合了人文及地理的產物,充分運用了當地獨特的乾旱氣候,也蘊含客家人保存食物的智慧及惜物愛物的精神。我們將柿餅產業的人文與風景融入家具中。以沙發呈現按摩柿餅的樣貌,傳達柿餅的柔軟之感,而茶几則是融入柿餅光影。希望不論晴天雨天,天天都有好柿晴。 Xinpu dried persimmon industry applied humanities and geography. It makes full use of the unique local arid climate, and also contains the wisdom and thrift spirit of the Hakka people in preserving food. Incorporating the humanities and scenery of the persimmon industry into the furniture, we use the sofa to present the appearance of massaging dried persimmons and convey the softness of dried persimmons, while the coffee table incorporates the light and shadow of dried persimmons. No matter if it is sunny or rainy, we hope there will be a good day.