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親愛的日記 Dear Diary


「成長的解答就埋藏於日記本之中嗎?」── 身處於孩童世界與成人社會的夾縫中,既無法回到幼年時期的純粹、亦不能夠被稱之為大人的我們;帶著成長階段對於世界的種種期盼與纖細複雜的心理,透過密碼日記本的破碎,揭露了成長路途中埋藏在主角心底深處的各種情感,並以此為契機,重新審視了過往的記憶與主角面對自我的提問。就如同鉛筆刻劃於紙張,描摹著日與日之間的線條與褶皺⋯⋯ "Can you find the answer about growing in the diary?" We are in the gap between the world of children and adults, with all kinds of expectations and complex psychology in the growth stage. Through the diary, the protagonist reveals various emotions during his growth stage, which is an opportunity to re-examine the past and oneself.