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TThe initial Metaverse

Yufeng Hou

由于 NFT 艺术兴起带来的蝴蝶效应,元宇宙的概念逐渐走进了人们的生活。 虽然我们目前对元宇宙的设想只是基于我们现有的互联网、技术和设备,但元宇宙的概念有望促进现实世界与虚拟世界的融合,具有推动人类文明发展的意义。 因此,这个项目是作者对于元宇宙和未来人类生活方式的一场艺术性想象。 展览旨在通过装置、表演和AR互动体验将实验性视听作品中对未来世界的愿景变为现实,完成虚拟世界与现实世界的连接,表达作者对新千年的期许。 Due to the butterfly effect brought about by the rise of NFT art, the concept of metaverse has gradually entered people's lives. Although our current vision of the metaverse is only based on our existing Internet, technology and equipment, the concept of the metaverse are expected to promote the integration of the real world and the virtual world and has the significance of promoting the development of human civilization. Therefore, this project is the author's artistic imagination for the metaverse and future human lifestyle. The exhibition aims to turn the vision of the future world in the experimental audio-visual works into reality through installations, performances and AR interactive experiences, complete the connection between the virtual world and the real world, and express the author's expectations for the new millennium. - |Credit| Musician :Tong Gao Choreographer and Performer :Yingqian Huang Make-up and Costume:Zhuo Du Photographer :Ye Chen Videographer :Zhuo Du In Kind support :AAIS, AA School Special Thanks : Yihui Guan, Changyu Yang, Yuyang Cheng