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流浪記III Wandering III

蕭珮宜 Hsiao Pei-I

年代: 2018 媒材: 銀箔、壓克力彩、畫布 / Silver leaf and acrylic paint on canvas 尺寸: 55x125x3cm, Ø55 擅長運用壓克力顏料、金銀箔與絹印來創作的藝術家蕭珮宜,關注生活周遭生態變化的問題,她在各種環境災難中,觀察到一種存在與死亡並存,如廢墟般的生存樣態。以日本浮世繪精神為底蘊,她試圖召喚那些衰敗殆盡的無用之物,架設出擬構的生態景觀。〈流浪記III〉創作於2018年,雖然她的技法核心偏重於版畫的製程,但作品仍具有高度的繪畫性,畫面上鋪疊的銀箔,加上複雜且變化多端的顏色配置,展現出豐富的色彩表現力。這件作品透過形態轉化反諷人類對於生態環境的摧殘,工程物件與擬人化的動物構成一幅奇觀的荒謬場景,帶有強烈的寓言敘事風格,同時也影射人類世的現實景況。 Xiao Pei-I, who is good at using acrylic paint, gold and silver foil, and silk screen printing, pays attention to the ecological changes occurring around her. She has seen how life and death are always coexisting—the environment seems to be in ruins. In the spirit of Japanese ukiyo-e, she creates a fictitious landscape, but one in which she attempts to summon up useless, decayed things. Wandering III was created in 2018. Although her core technique is mainly printmaking, the work is still very painterly. The silver foil over the composition and the complex, varied palette show the richly expressive power of colors. Through its transformation of forms, this work satirizes the destruction of the environment by humans. Items from construction projects and anthropomorphized animals create a spectacle, an absurd scene, but it also has a strong allegorical style, alluding to the reality of the Anthropocene.