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許鶯薰 Zita Ying-Hsun Hsu

媒材 : 桃花心木、石板 / mahogany, shale 尺寸 : 矩形餐盤27x18x3cm 方形餐盤18x18x3cm 圓形餐盤ø 18x3cm 製作年份 : 2022 我們透過「吃」去感受文化。「吃」是物質生活與精神文明的有機結合,而餐器皿則是聯繫人與飲食文化的連結點。原民文化與自然風土緊密共融。排灣族的獵人分享刀,讓我想以「肉料排餐」為主食材去設計相應餐食器。 木盤搭配排灣族熟悉的石板材,其聚熱、保溫的特性。可調整肉排熟度、上桌可持續食材保溫。因此設計這【RAW】食餐器。大劍無鋒,至繁若簡。以極簡的木盤造型,保留板岩自然不規則輪廓,表現其質樸野趣,讓餐器更純碎成為襯托食物的背景。石板下方的幾何木雕紋,是簡化自部落的百步蛇紋飾,透過刻紋的高低差墊高發熱的石板,有利於揮發熱氣與水分,也透過手工木雕圖騰,傳遞部落手工藝的「樸質人味」。 We can experience the indigenous culture easily through "eating”, it is the blend of material and spiritual life. The Paiwan share food with the “Pakarusa” knife, which inspired me to design this series of steak plates to accompany this unique tribal food utensil . Slate slabs paired with wooden plates as common building materials of Paiwan villages. The properties of stone slab is the heat preservation , that we can enjoy every last bite as hot and delicious . My design retains the rustic charm of the raw stone to reflect the nature food. The pattern of the wood carving is refined from the Paiwan’s hundred-pace viper totem, and the heat and moisture can evaporated through the carving gaps.