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無限和解 連杯盤

黃若潔 Jo-Chieh Huang

媒材 : 梣木、臺灣櫸、胡桃木、鐵刀木 / ash wood, Taiwan zelkova, walnut, kassod 尺寸 : 梣木9x9x2cm 臺灣櫸18x9x2cm 胡桃木18x9x2cm 鐵刀木18x18x2cm 製作年份 : 2022 這個世界需要更多的和解。如果「意義」僅是「象徵」,某些傳統價值,隨著當代溝通媒介更新而遺忘也是必然。 取樣於來義文獻與排灣族連杯多元而現代的菱形造型、比例,把傳統象徵「和解」「連結」的物件,轉譯在「喝一杯茶」就能重新談談的餐桌上。 打開排排站才能共飲的器物語彙,獨立的物件,在茶席之中自由時使用,讓自主分享作為開啟對話的第一步。 四件成套,木質的顏色深淺與盤的深度漸層對比。木盤的邊緣相互呼應,有多少人想和解,就可以有多少盤子可以無限支援這份良善。 In our current world, it takes lots of reconciliation to make things work. Ragal, typical ceremonial connected drinking cup for Paiwan indigenous community, is known for reconnecting people. With modern interpretation, extracting the essences of significant diamond shape. Opening up the connected typology, each plate is independently crafted. Willingness is the key to reconciliation. The plates are design as a set of four, each plate has side that corresponding to one and another one, It is a poetic respond to welcome anyone who’s willing to make an effort to change the way things are.