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迴 旋 - Rondo

陳柔方 - Chen, Rou-Fang

樂音產生人與人之間有溫度的心靈連結,透過互動裝置的琴鍵感應技術,美妙的音符在進屋時迴響。人們能夠彈奏獨特旋律以傳達意念喚起情感上的共鳴,創造生活趣味並刻劃記憶。 - Music makes warm spiritual connections with people. The device Rondo plays amazing music while people entering their house. People can induce interactive devices such as the Arduino induction system sensors and play the five keys of the device to express emotion. Different melody evokes a different sense of emotional resonance through the interaction. Furthermore, the device creates our taste of life and also write our memory.