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遞-光 - Deliver-Light

金恩彤 - Jin,En-Tong

「遞-光」是一款以大自然發想的遙控夜燈,結合人類所需的陽光、空氣、水,將自然中的元素帶入作品, 藉由細胞列車傳遞光芒到各家庭使充滿溫暖。且讓使用者透過視覺回味以往自然自由生活。 - The ideation of remote control night light is sourced from the nature. I combine with the sunlight, air and water which are needed by human beings, and these elements of nature are brought into the work. At the same time, the work can transmit the warm light to every family through the cell train and let users remember the natural and free life through visual recollection.