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妖.不妖 - Whether you can see

王紀云, 胡舒茜, 蔡可菁, 黃淑婷 - Wang,Chi-Yun, Hu,Shu-Chien, Chua,Ke-Jing, Huang,Shu-Ting

在某個夜晚,姊弟倆去到山林寺院探險。樹林間竄過的黑影、門縫鑽出的妖怪,接連出現的妖怪讓弟弟嚇得半死,但姊姊卻什麼也沒看到,而最後甚至從煙霧中出現了一個大妖怪… 看得見的弟弟和看不見的姊姊,兩人的探險過程卻有著天差地別的感受,最後那出乎意料的善意,讓男孩有了心境上的轉變。 - Once upon a dreary night, a mystery adventure, in an old temple hidden in a deep mountain, came to these innocent siblings. The wriggling shadows in the woods, the peeking monsters hiding anywhere. Those specters uncloaking one after another really frightened this poor young brother, yet the sister could sense nothing. Suddenly, something really giant came out of the mist, and it turned out to be another monster… The younger brother who can see the monster and the older sister who can't see it, have completely different feelings during their adventure, and the unexpected kindness at the end has changed the boy's mood.