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異地 A Blue Dolphin Island


主標題:異地 A Blue Dolphin Island 副標題:海豚海龜救援結合教育的可能? 基地:基隆八斗子漁港 學生姓名:曾沁雅 指導老師:呂兆民 台灣是個四面環海的國家,我們和海洋動物的關係密不可分藉由他們的狀態能洞悉到海洋的現況及危機。而主要的兩種連結 - 擱淺及圈養,也因社會思維發展下而迎來不同困境。 擱淺 - 台灣的擱淺救援機制及流程完善但缺乏較完整的建築環境規劃策略導致救援的能力侷限及成功釋回的可能。 圈養展演 - 民眾對水族館和主題公園海豚和鯨魚的想法已隨著時代慢慢改變,從 5、60 年扮演的馬戲團小丑,到如今的的生態教育大使。在我們對於保育的意識漸漸提升下,現有的環境又是否能帶給動物最好的收容效果?又能否顛覆將動物帶給民眾以供「教育」的傳統方式? 因此我試圖通過結合救援、研究及教育等三種原本因公私程度而分離的性質,透過區分機能動線及動物的活動狀態,來創造出另一種兩全的可能。 The rise of Taiwan is a country surrounded by ocean. Our relationship with marine animals is inseparable. Through their status, we can gain insight into the current situation and crisis of the ocean. The two main types of connections, stranded and captive, also face different difficulties due to the development of social thinking. Stranding - Taiwan’s stranded rescue mechanism and notification process are perfect, but there is a lack of a relatively complete built environment planning strategy, resulting in limited rescue capabilities and the possibility of successful release. Captive Show - The public’s perception of dolphins and whales in aquariums and theme parks has slowly changed over time, from circus clowns in 5 or 60 years to today’s ambassadors for ecological education. With the gradual improvement of our awareness of conservation, can the existing environment bring the best shelter effect for animals? Can it subvert the traditional way of bringing animals to the public for “education”? I try to create another possibility of both by combining rescue, research, and education, which are originally separated from public and private, and by distinguishing between functional dynamics and animal activity.