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主標題:反叛下的凝聚意識 副標題:運用社會性基礎設施來回公民的社會信任 基地:台中市北區中央市場 學生姓名:高慧庭 指導老師:陳源盛 經歷了從社會發展初期到現代的設施體,在世代交替下映照出來的是與我們連結的記憶,並從中產生關係的一部份,但隨著不適任等移存難題浮出,造成的人際藩籬、引發的社會失溫,致使彼此的距離更加遙遠。 如何處理、拆除、升級,或混合再利用這些被淘汰的設施,是每個國家與城市都會面臨的問題。我所認為的可適性再利用,目的在於為某一閒置或低度使用之設施找到適合的新用途,它是促進公民與社會互動的空間、是社會資本所得以附著、生根、強固的物質載體。 From the early stage of social development to the modern facility, the memory that is connected with us is reflected in the generational change, and a part of the relationship arises from it, but with the emergence of migration problems such as incompetence, the interpersonal barrier is caused, the social temperature loss caused by, causing the distance from each other to become more distant. How to dispose of, dismantle, upgrade, or mix and reuse these obsolete facilities is a problem that every country and city will face. What I think of as adaptive reuse is to find a suitable new use for an unused or underused facility. It is a space that promotes the interaction between citizens and society, and a material carrier for social capital to attach, take root, and strengthen.