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主標題:穹頂之下 副標題:空氣汙染下人類的生存法則 基地:台中市大里區大里高中 學生姓名:紀泓任 指導老師:吳宗倫、蘇育民 在過去的高中三年,由於學校地理區位的因素,周圍被工廠所包覆,三年之間聞了不少的工廠廢氣。在這次的畢業設計,分析了基地周邊以及風的各種流體力學,嘗試利用風的性質以及建築性質來去解決空氣汙染之問題。目標是提升當地居民以及學生的生活品質,設立了公共圖書館以及重整校舍,加上了水幕設備去輔佐淨化空氣的角色,以及融合建築以及水幕去與建築內的人們做互動,最後加入了太陽能的設備去降低對能源的依賴,去運作這棟建築。打造一個在穹頂之下的一個保護傘,希望可以讓附近的居民以及學校的學生,在這棟建築內可以不受到空氣汙染的影響,去挑戰將乾淨的空氣還給當地的居民。 In the past three years of high school, due to the geographical location of the school, the surrounding area was surrounded by factories, and I smelled a lot of factory exhaust gas in the past three years. In this graduation project, various fluid mechanics around the base and the wind are analyzed, trying to solve the problem of air pollution by using the nature of the wind and the nature of the building. The goal is to improve the quality of life of local residents and students, set up a public library and renovate school buildings, add water curtain equipment to assist in purifying the air, and integrate buildings and water curtains to interact with people in the building, and finally Added solar equipment to reduce energy dependence to operate the building. To build a protective umbrella under the dome, it is hoped that nearby residents and school students will not be affected by air pollution in this building, to challenge the return of clean air to local residents