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環保點 - ecoo

莊子誼, 郭品吟, 周劭謙, 李慈瑋, 朱維宣 - Tzu-Yi Chuang, Pin-Yin Kuo, Shao-Cian Jhou, Cih-Wei Li, Wei-Hsuan Chu

環保點希望利用攜帶環保餐具進入店家消費集點,減少一次性免洗餐具的使用量,而商家購買的免洗餐具成本也能轉換成消費者的點數,藉由集點與兌換商品,培養消費者攜帶環保餐具的習慣。 - “ecoo” makes consumers collect ecoo points by using tableware, and stores can turn the cost of disposable tableware to the customer’s points, in addition to reduce the amount of disposable tableware, and bringing up the habit of carrying own tableware.