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蕾絲碗-小 Lace bowls

設計師 Designer:徐景亭 Ching-Ting Hsu、工藝師 Craft Artist - 陶瓷 ceramics:李存仁 Tsun-Jen Lee

尺寸:13.5cm x 13.5cm x 10.5cm 媒材:瓷 作品介紹: 世代情感 作品結合東方刺繡與西方蕾絲圖樣,表達華人母親對女兒婚嫁的祝福。跨材質轉化瓷胎薄如蛋殼,微透光有如新嫁衣蕾絲的薄透,與光線的互動晃影,光影相隨蘊涵世代情感依附的詩意表現。 Dimension: 13.5cm x 13.5cm x 10.5cm Material: Porcelain Introduction: Generation Feelings The artwork consists Eastern embroidery and Western lase patterns to convey the wishes Chinese mother to a married daughter. The cross-material convert porcelain body thin as egg shell. It is very thin that light can go through like the lace of new wedding dress. The image of the surface shine with light shows a poetic atmosphere consists generation feelings.