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2022-04-02 ~ 2022-06-12





⊂藝術家⊃ Daniel Ditlevson、洪芊珩、郭奕臣、玩布姊妹、應可潔、尹洙竫 ・ ⊂館校合作計畫⊃ 曾嬿圩X石牌國小樂齡班、陳真X復興高中美術班、劉映岑X文化國小資優班 ・ ⊂特別演出⊃ 賈茜茹 ・ ⊂策展人⊃ 葉佳蓉 ・ 鳳甲美術館推出之「北投在地採集計畫」系列已邁入第五年,此計畫每年度以不同主題為切入點,邀請使用不同媒材的藝術創作者來到北投,針對北投地理歷史、自然環境、人文社會等不同特色進行發想,帶領包含幼童、青年、銀髮族群等跨年齡的在地社群一同創作,並將共同研究、創作的成果,於美術館中進行展示或演出,不僅整體內容緊繫地方紋理、形式多元且跨域。今年度以「時尚」為主題,透過各種織品創作,探討北投的地景樣貌、街坊生活,在居民與觀眾的參與之下,一起思考服裝和布料,如何和生命經驗與記憶連結,並且集結在地社群的力量,以藝術創作傳達對資源永續的關注。希望從布料的身體感知經驗出發,將北投特色也包含其中,創造出具有在地特質又能普世共享的創作語言。 ・主辦單位:財團法文邱再興文教基金會 鳳甲美術館 ・贊助單位:台北市政府文化局、財團法人北投文化基金會 ・合作單位:高林文教基金會REHOW Studio ・特別感謝:瀧乃湯、老爺酒店、水都、泉都、嘉賓閣、世鵬洗衣店、倪裳專業服飾修改、頂新牛仔屋、泰豐布莊、湖山國小、八頭里仁協會北投女巫劇團 ◖Textile Knows-Local Fashion Collecting Project◗ 2022.04.02-06.12 // Opening // 2022.04.02 15:00 ・ ⊙Artists Daniel DITLEVSON, HUNG Chien-Heng, KUO I-Chen, Stitching Sisters, YING Ke-Jie, YOON Soo-Jung ・ ⊙Projects TSENG Yen-Yu with Shi-Pai Elementary School Senior Academy CHEN Zhen with Fuxing Senior High School LIU Ying-Tseng with Wenhua Elementary School ・ ⊙Feature Performance CHIA Chien-Ju ・ ⊙Curator Zoe YEH ・ Hong-gah Museum is proud to present the Beitou Local Collecting Project Series for the fifth consecutive year. The project probes with different themes each year, inviting artists of different backgrounds to explore various aspects of Beitou. Local communities, including children, youths, and senior citizens are also invited to participate in the project. The results of the collaborative research and creative practices are then exhibited or performed in the museum. The content not only relates to the local context but also interweaves diversified forms and disciplines. This year, centered on the theme of “fashion”, the project focuses on the usage of all kinds of textiles in our daily life and its reflection of the locality. It explores how textiles are used for preserving personal feelings and memories and how it serves as a thread for approaching local memories. With the participation of local communities, it also seeks to convey the importance of sustainability. Departing from fabric-using experiences here in Beitou, we hope to present artworks with local features that can also be shared universally.

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財團法人邱再興文教基金會於1991年在馬水龍教授建議下成立。初期以「春秋樂集」每年兩季為台灣音樂創作者提供發表的舞台。經過多年深耕努力,於1998年獲頒文建會第一屆文馨獎特別獎殊榮。深受鼓舞之際,董事長邱再興先生也期望在音樂之外嘗試推廣音樂與視覺藝術的結合,以紮根社區為使命,並以紀念邱父鳳甲之名,於1999年成立鳳甲美術館,以展覽、推廣活動與跨領域展演等方式,為在地社區群眾提專業優質的藝術欣賞環境、播撒藝術的種子。美術館開館至今已逾二十年,在2003年時正式掛牌成為文化部地方文化館的一員,也數次獲得文馨獎及台北文化獎的肯定。 About Hong-Gah Museum Founded in 1991, Chew’s Culture Foundation, in addition to its dedicated promotion of Spring Autumn Music to encourage and cultivate domestic professional music composers, established Hong-Gah Museum in 1999. With exhibitions, campaigns, inter-disciplinary performances, and so forth, the Museum provides an art appreciation venue of quality as well as sows seeds of art for the local community. Having opened for more than 14 years, the Museum received its membership as one of the Local Cultural Museums of the Ministry of Culture in 2003. Furthermore, the Museum has been recognized many times with “Arts & Business Awards” and “Taipei Culture Award”.