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海浪椅 - 紓壓家飾設計 Wave Chair - Relieve Stress Furniture


一天,24 小時,1440 分鐘,86400 秒,持續重複,因疫情而囿於家中的我們,無比懷念能自由出遊的時光。 我們以海為主題,並以家中最常接觸的家具為載體,透過使用者操作產品,於家中重現海的自然意象,喚起使用者與自然環境的情感連結。 One day, 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds.It keeps repeating.We are confined to our homes because of the epidemic, and we miss the freedom to travel. We use the sea as the theme and the furniture most often touched in the home as the carrier. Through the user's operation of the products, we recreate the natural image of the sea in the home and evoke the emotional connection between the user and the natural environment.